Next Steps

Participate in the life of the church and take next steps in your spiritual journey.

Next Steps are the habits that prompt spiritual growth and mark participation in the life of the church. Indicate your interest in making a Next Step commitment when you check in today.

Take a Next Step

The most significant Next Step you can take is to Say "Yes!" Jesus Christ as your Savior (forgiver) & Lord (leader) for the first time.

When you become a follower of Jesus, you're saying you want what Jesus did on the cross for the forgiveness of our sins to count for you personally, and that you're committed to following his leadership in your life from this point forward.

The rest of the Next Steps are practices that will prompt & propel spiritual growth so that you make progress on your spiritual journey.


  • Worship together weekly.
  • Say “Yes!” to Jesus' forgiveness & leadership daily.

GROW Together

  • Connect in a small group relationally.
  • Invite others regularly.

GO Make a Difference

  • Serve on a team monthly.
  • Give a percentage consistently.

Cornerstone's Next Steps are a part of our strategy to accomplish our mission of inspiring & equipping everyone to follow Jesus wholeheartedly.

Ready to take a Next Step? Let us know when you Check In so we can celebrate with you & connect you with the appropriate resources, groups, or teams!